Friday, January 30, 2009


We are off to a great start in 2009 - So much has happened since our first big girl bath!

We had our 9 month appointment. I cannot believe that we are now 2, yes 2 months away from Ainzley's first birthday. The doctors visit was fine - only one shot. Not too many tears :) She is tall and lean, weighing only 17.5 pounds and measuring 27.5 inches. We had a short wait before the doctor actually saw us, so Ainzley decided to occupy herself...

We were given the go-ahead to start feeding her "off the table". So we have been trying new foods. I think Ainzley wants to be Italian. That is what she likes the best. Spaghetti O's are a fave. She also likes Alfredo noodles. She takes her food very seriously :)

She can be quite the jokester of her newest tricks is biting the spoon before you can get it out of her mouth. Funny girl...

Oh, I almost forgot. Evan introduced her to the PopTart. She found a piece of it and helped herself. Needless to say, she would not give it up....

Our biggest accomplishment so far in 2009 is that we have mastered crawling. Ainzley is EVERYWHERE! And she is fast too! And she doesn't waste any time. She has already started pulling up on the furniture. Actually she is pulling up on everything - it is pretty much impossible to get her to sit down...even in the bath.

It's okay though - it makes it easy to pinch that cute little booty :)


Campbell's House said...

Nothing..... no words no pics. Nada!

Peggy Rice said...

She is getting to be such a big girl! Love the hair.

Campbell's House said...

Now that is more like it!