Saturday, August 22, 2009

over due update

I am way behind...but without a computer, I just don't get around to it. Hopefully me and Melvin will be giving each other a laptop for our upcoming birthdays, but we'll see...

In the meantime, get on facebook if you want to see updated pictures more frequently :)

Today me, mom, dayce, and ainzley ventured out into the shopping world - yes, even though it is the tax-free weekend. We, okay, MOM, is crafting some elephants out of sweaters.

Here is Ainzley's:

This was made from one of my old sweaters...cute, huh?

So we were on the hunt for old sweaters!

Ainzley found a couple of other things too....A doll for her and campbell.

Meet Tessie & Ana (short for Texana)

They came from the Texas Thrift Store. They were cheap, but we will have to make up the price difference by purchasing Clorox wipes :)


Campbell's House said...

Thank goodness Cabbage Patch kids can be thrown in the washing machine! Love the names though! And the Bean's elephant is super cute, too!!!

Peggy Rice said...

I would officially like to put my request in for an elephant!