Weekend at Campbells house was awesome. The kids played and played and then played some more - Ainzley had a blast! You can just watch them playing together and feel the love! Ainzley and Campbell played chase in the kitchen, swam, and played downstairs in 'Campbell's room'...it was the best! Oh, and Stratty
BOY was there too!
The adults had fun too! Alan cooked us a great meal, as usual. We had our favorite wine, that we found for $6 a bottle (so we bought all 5 bottles - only drank 2). And we played games!
Out of the entire weekend we only had one complaint. I decided to portray our complaint in the classic "MasterCard commercial" style...check it out:
Pitcher on clearance at Marshall's: $3.00

Lipton ice tea: $2.25 with coupon

More than enough ice to make tea,
AND enjoy a glass of tea with the ones you love :

Seriously...Renee and Alan are getting ice trays in their stockings this year!
Weekend was a blast!!